
Parking at St Mary’s Catholic Church

Cars may be parked in the two car parks, one car park next to the church which has 51 spaces available and 5 spaces for blue badge holders only (the entrance is a right turn off St Mary’s Road and up the sloped drive to the church); and one car park next to St Mary’s Catholic Primary school which has 24 spaces available and 1 space for blue badge holders only (the entrance is a left turn off St Mary’s Road just past the main church car park entrance).

Please do not double park or park on double yellow lines – this is to allow access at all times for emergency services.

Please note that car parking on St Mary’s Road and anywhere on St Mary’s residential site is for residents only. Cars parked elsewhere, other than the allocated car parks for the church, the parish cannot be held responsible for any fines incurred.

Please be aware there is now a barrier in operation, Monday to Sunday, opening early and closing after 8pm.


Parking at the Church of the Holy Family & St Michael’s Kesgrave

Cars may be parked in the car park behind the church, the entrance is off Ropes Drive. There are 68 spaces available and 4 spaces for blue badge holders only.

Please do not double park or park on double yellow lines – this is to allow access at all times for emergency services in required.

Please note that the car park is also for the use of the residents of the flats next to the church. Any cars parked elsewhere than the allocated car parks for the church, the parish cannot be held responsible for any fines incurred.