For information about how to celebrate the Sacraments in St Mary's Parish please contact the presbytery on
01473 728115
The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Christians.
They are special celebrations for experiencing God’s love, grace and mercy.
For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.
For children and young people under 8 years old please speak to one of the priests or to Deacon Christopher to arrange your child's baptism celebration. Some preparation is needed and they will be able to arrange the date and time with you for your child's baptism. A donation to the church is also requested.
Confirmation is a Catholic Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts.
It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics. It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Catholics believe the Eucharist, or Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins.
As we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
Known in St Mary's as the Journey of Faith is a series of sessions for young people and Adults who seek full membership of the Catholic Church. The course runs from September to after Easter each year.
It is open to all who wish to discover what the Church is about and what we believe as Catholics, and offers preparation to those not yet baptised and to those already baptised in other Christian Churches.
The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist will be celebrated each year at the Easter Vigil, on Holy Saturday evening, the night before Easter Sunday.
The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance, or Penance and Reconciliation) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. In it we find God’s unconditional forgiveness; as a result we are called to forgive others.
For our children preparing for First Holy Communion they will also celebrate their First Confession as part of their preparation
Confessions are available in St Mary's after the 9.30am Mass on Saturday mornings and 5pm every Friday with Adoration & Benediction, and in Holy Family & St Michael's from 5pm - 5.45pm on Saturday evenings.
For Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God’s values.
Preparation for Marriage is available for all couples seeking to get married in either St Mary's or Holy Family & St Michael's. 6 month notice of marriage is usually needed. Please contact one of the priests or Deacon Christopher for more information
In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a bishop, priest or deacon is ordained after a period of formation.
They are called and chosen by the church, through the power of the Holy Spirit to lead other Catholics by a life of prayer, celebrating the sacraments and proclaiming the Gospel.
The Catholic Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness and is open to all who ask for healing, and for all ages.