Gift Aid
Covid-19 and Church Offerings
Now that the churches are open once again, the collections do take place, but in a quite different way. The collection basket will be in the porch so please place your donation in it, either on the way in or the way out of church.
A Standing Order is a simple way of making a regular contribution to the parish. The parish is in the process of changing the bank account into which standing orders are paid. If you are considering setting up a new standing order to the parish, much as you are encouraged to do this, please wait until the details of the new account are published. This should happen in early February 2022 and all the information you will require will be found on this webpage.
With grateful thanks for your continued support.
Tax payers should consider signing a Gift Aid to enable the Parish to reclaim the tax which has been deducted from income prior to making offertory contributions. The procedure is very simple.
Print off a copy of the Gift Aid Declaration form from the link below.
Complete and sign this form.
Return it either by post to Paul Phillips - Gift Aid, The Presbytery, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. IP4 4BD.
Or scan the completed form and email it to Paul at the email address below.
Contact: Paul Philips on 07951 986001 or