Gift Aid and Church Offerings
A Standing Order is a simple way of making a regular contribution to the parish.
The parish account details for Standing Orders are:
Bank: Co-operative Bank
Account name: St Marys RC Parish Ipswich
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 67238831
Tax payers should consider signing a Gift Aid to enable the Parish to reclaim the tax which has been deducted from income prior to making offertory contributions. The procedure is very simple.
Print off a copy of the Gift Aid Declaration form from the link below.
Complete and sign this form.
Return it either by post to Paul Phillips - Gift Aid, The Presbytery, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. IP4 4BD.
Or scan the completed form and email it to Paul at the email address below.
Contact: Paul Philips on 07951 986001 or